Author: Unknown Genre:

    The Scorch Trials cover.jpg BY.   JAMES DASHNER                                    .                                                          The book starts in the middle of the night when Thomas wakes up and cannot go back to sleep. He calls Teresa's name telepathically to get Teresa's attention. He wakes up to see everyone panicking about Cranks, people infected with the Flare, outside their door. Thomas and the rest of the Gladers go to investigate, and find that the room in which they'd eaten pizza with their rescuers is locked. They ram the door down and turn on the lights to find the bodies of their rescuers hanging from the ceiling. They enter Teresa's room, which is empty except for a boy named Aris Jones, who's from Group B. He can also talk telepathically and had a telepathy partner named Rachel, who was killed just like Gally had killed Chuck in the first book. Outside of the room is a plaque that says "Teresa Agnes. Group A, Subject A1. The Betrayer." An alarm, similar to the one on the Glade, goes off and the room door locks until the alarm stops. Thomas opens the door to find no dead bodies. Even the plaque is changed to "Aris Jones, Group B, Subject B1. The Partner."Next they find a man sitting in the middle of the next room who they call Rat Man. He tells them they are to make their way through the Scorch, a burned out section of the land. As an incentive, they've all caught the Flare and will receive a cure when they reach their destination. Shortly after he leaves, the Gladers discover tattoos on the back of their necks: Newt's is "The Glue", Minho's is "The Leader", and Thomas' is "To Be Killed by Group B". The Gladers enter a Flat Trans and wander through darkness for about an hour, when they hear strange whispers. Two boys get killed by molten steel balls that cover then decapitate their victims before they roll away. Winston gets attacked too, but Thomas manages to save him. They enter the Scorch, eventually coming to a building in which they had heard screaming. Teresa exits the building, and Thomas senses a trap when he approaches her. Teresa is crying, telling him to get away from her. She kisses him and tells him to tell the Gladers to get as far away from her as possible.Thomas and the Gladers hike towards a city to stock back up on supplies, along the way, he has another "memory dream" where Teresa and Thomas practice talking telepathically. A storm soon hits, killing seven boys, including Winston. They stay inside a building, and try to sleep. Thomas wakes on Newt's shoulder when a Crank named Jorge welcomes them into the Crank House. Minho insults him and Jorge kicks him twice in a place where he was burnt from getting struck by lightning. Minho attacks Jorge and all the Cranks from upstairs come down. Fortunately, Thomas negotiates a deal with Jorge, keeping the Gladers from getting killed. Thomas meets Brenda, who is very forward with him. They go downstairs and eat, and the roof collapses, separating Thomas and Brenda from the others.The two of them walk through the Underneath and have a close encounter with some Cranks. Eventually, they make it onto the surface and sleep in a truck. Thomas wakes up from a nightmare and goes back to sleep. He has another dream memory where he and Teresa are listening in on a conversation between WICKED employees. Thomas wakes up again and sees words printed on a brick saying "Thomas, you're the real leader." They leave the car and are forced into a club by a few strangers. They dance to the music and are forced to swallow drinks that make them feel dizzy. Brenda tries to kiss Thomas, but he says "You're not...her. You could never be her," referring to his relationship with Teresa. They wake up in a dark room with the three strangers who took them to the club. They are about to kill them when Minho and the other Gladers save them. While fleeing the strangers, a man that Thomas calls "Blondie" shoots him in the left shoulder with a rusty bullet, giving him an infection. After the Gladers fail to heal Thomas, WICKED goes down and puts him in a machine called a Berg. While being healed, he overhears one of the worker's conversations in which a woman stated that he wasn't supposed to get shot. He's taken back to where he came from, and he explains everything to the Gladers.Later, Thomas hears Teresa's voice in his head. She warns him that something terrible will happen, leaving him hurt and scared and should trust her no matter what. She pauses and says that he won't hear from her for a while until they're back together. Newt and Thomas talk about how WICKED only made an exception for him and no one else. They see Teresa and Group B walking towards Group A with weapons. She hits Thomas multiple times with the butt of her spear and drags him back to their base. Thomas is fed once they get there and falls asleep, having another memory dream. The next morning the girls decided not to kill him. Thomas and the girls get about 7 miles away from the "safe haven" when Teresa motions for Thomas to follow her.The two of them walk through the Underneath and have a close encounter with some Cranks. Eventually, they make it onto the surface and sleep in a truck. Thomas wakes up from a nightmare and goes back to sleep. He has another dream memory where he and Teresa are listening in on a conversation between WICKED employees. Thomas wakes up again and sees words printed on a brick saying "Thomas, you're the real leader." They leave the car and are forced into a club by a few strangers. They dance to the music and are forced to swallow drinks that make them feel dizzy. Brenda tries to kiss Thomas, but he says "You're not...her. You could never be her," referring to his relationship with Teresa. They wake up in a dark room with the three strangers who took them to the club. They are about to kill them when Minho and the other Gladers save them. While fleeing the strangers, a man that Thomas calls "Blondie" shoots him in the left shoulder with a rusty bullet, giving him an infection. After the Gladers fail to heal Thomas, WICKED goes down and puts him in a machine called a Berg. While being healed, he overhears one of the worker's conversations in which a woman stated that he wasn't supposed to get shot. He's taken back to where he came from, and he explains everything to the Gladers.

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